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Downeast Maine Lodging and Accommodations

The Lodging Facilities in this section of Acadia Visitor Online are categorized by locale and/or type. Sites with an asterisk (*) were designed by IslandWebInc. Once you view the web site of any of these facilities, use your "Back" button to return to this page until you find exactly what you're looking for. And, your comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Use our comments page...
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Bar Harbor Northeast Harbor Southwest Harbor
Bed & Breakfasts

Cottages & Cabins

Motels & Hotels

Camping & RV Parking

Bed & Breakfasts

Cottages & Cabins

Motels & Hotels

Camping & RV Parking

Bed & Breakfasts

Cottages & Cabins

Motels & Hotels

Camping & RV Parking

Outlying Acadia Regions
  Blue Hill  -  Belfast  -  Bucksport  -  Searsport  
1840 Blue Hill Inn - A classic New England hostelry at the head of Blue Hill Bay that travelers hope to discover once they arrive. Click here to see photo
  Eastbrook  -  Franklin  -  Sullivan  -  Hancock  -  Winter Harbor  
Acadia Camp - Relax in a traditional Maine camp style cabin located on the banks of George's Pond near Acadia National Park & Bar Harbor. Great swimming & bass fishing. Accommodates 5.
1762 House - Make your mark on history by staying at the 1762 House! Between Schoodic (Acadia National Park) and Ellsworth is your private, comfortable and relaxing home-away-from-home in what is reported to be Sullivan's oldest structure.

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